'TIMBUL'-menyatukan kembali 10 artis bekas graduan seni dari UiTM (Graduan FSSR Mei 2006) yang berbeza pemahaman, media, kerjaya dan seninya di dalam sebuah pameran bersama. Artis-artis yang mengambil bahagian adalah terdiri daripada: Abdul Latif Padzali, Baktiar Naim Jaaffar, Mohd Bakir Baharom, Mohd Fazli Othman, Muh. Sarip Abdul Rahman, Mohd Radzi Ismail, Mohd Rizal Salleh, Mursyidah Zainal Abidin, Rozana Musa dan Salmah Ali." - excerpt from Timbul's official forenote by Baktiar Naim Jaaffa
Here are photo snippets of the exhibition organized by Pelita Hati. More photos at our Squeak Art Asia Facebook Timbul Album.
Artist: Mursyidah Zainal Abidin
Title: My Naked Thought (24pcs) (mixed media)
Artist: Rozana Musa.
Title: I am Sweet, Eat Me & Tomorrow You Will Be Great! (glazed procelain)
"Cheesecake, stop licking the icing!!!"
Artist: Rozana Musa.
Title: I am Sweet, Eat Me & Tomorrow You Will Be Great! (glazed porcelain)
Artist: Rozana Musa.
Title: I am Sweet, Eat Me & Tomorrow You Will Be Great! (glazed porcelain)
"Urgh, can't...lift...it..."
Artist: Salmah Ali
Title: Testa Risa I (glass & metal)
"Eh, how come....? My hero must not die!!!"
Artist: Muhd Sarip Abd Rahman
Title: King Romeo Must Die (pen on paper)
Artist: Bakhtiar Naim Jaafar
Title: Self Portrait I (mixed media)
Santap artwork di tepi tangga best juga.
Artist: Mursyidah Zainal Abidin
Title: My Brainstorming (6cps) (mixed media)
Artist: Mohd Radzi Ismail
Title: New Species : 'Anak-anak Ikan' (clay & wood)

Artist: Mohd Radzi Ismail
Title: New Species : 'Anak-anak Ikan' (clay & wood)
Cheesecake sitting in the corner. Takut magic wand.
Artist: Abdul Latiff Ahmad Padzali
Title: Tumpang (wood, stainless steel, coated wire & ready made object)

Artist: Mohd Fazli Bin Othman
Title: Kiraan 1 hingga 10 & Seterusnya (10pcs) (oil paint, bitumen & paint)
I love this. The shadow effect is amazing. It's dancing. Beautiful.
Artist: Adbul Latiff Ahmad Padzali
Title: Mimesis (Growing) (looping pins & nylon fishing lines)
Can you see & hear the story it's telling you! Imagine. Listen to the shadows.
Artist: Adbul Latiff Ahmad Padzali
Title: Mimesis (Growing) (looping pins & nylon fishing lines)
Jellyfish meets DNA strands. Love it.
Artist: Adbul Latiff Ahmad Padzali
Title: Mimesis (Growing) (looping pins & nylon fishing lines)
"Seed? Laparnya nampak macam buah apple custard...."
Artist: Mohd Rizal Salleh
Title: Seed (5pcs) (ceramics)
Artist: Salmah Ali
Title: Qadim (glass & metal)
Cheesecake: "Tanduk belakang saya."
[...don't be rude Cheesecake. come down NOW.]
Artist: Mohd Fazli Bin Othman
Title: Tanduk Wak Supar (coal & image transfer on paper)
"I'm scared. Don't burn my eyes like Slumdog Millionaire begger boy-singer."
Artist: Mohd Bakir Baharom
Title: Study Kesan Jelaga (jelaga & acrylic) /Study Lebai Maghrib (mixed media)

Artist: Salmah Ali
Title: One Red & Two White (glass & acrylic)